Hey I'm Tom Clarke. I'm a designer with experience in user experience, user interface, web design, logos, branding, print work and conversational design. I also have interests in video editing, animation and photography 

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UX/UI Designer


2019 - 2020

I have worked as a UX/UI designer for Wisr, a leading Australian fintech with the vision of bringing financial wellness to all Australians. I researched and designed new features as well as improving and streamlining the UX of exisiting features across consumer facing products including; Wisr, WisrCredit and the internal proprietary loans platform.

Freelance Designer

Multiple Clients

2012 - Present

I've worked as a freelance graphic designer on-and-off since I first started in design in 2012 and have worked on a variety of projects that have featured UX consulting, ideation, web design, print work, logos, branding and more.

Co-Founder/Graphic Designer/Social Media Manager

Red Earth

2017- 2019

In 2017, a couple of musician friends and I started Red Earth, a live music events management company that looks at curating tasteful and inclusive live music events at venues around Sydney. Since then we have held over 20 events and have expanded our services to content creation for artists, promoting and recording live shows, leading us to expand our brand to Red Earth Records, a 21st century take on the record label model that gives artists the  record services; music distribution, branding and marketing content, recording services,  promotion and of course events management. However artists are not locked into contracts and bulk purchase these services via a business model more closely linked to a Netflix subscription. 

Co-Founder/Conversational Designer/Graphic Designer


2015 - 2016

In 2015 I came up with an app concept that would help university students meet with each other, I then pitched this app to a developer friend of mine and the two of us conducted user research and fleshed out the concept before applying to Sydney University’s Incubate program. We were accepted into the summer class of 2015 and it was due to the guidance and training we received there that we decided to pivot into corporate-sphere, devising an AI chatbot (that meant my skills as a graphic designer had to pivot to conversational design) that finds the best time for two or more employees to hold a meeting, cutting out the mindless back and forth of messages due to inevitable scheduling complications that are compounded in the workplace by time zones, meetings and work itself. Unfortunately since the required skill set to develop this service had dramatically increased due to the complicated nature of AI and the lack of accessible AI libraries in 2015, compounded by the fact our service was multi-platform and the platforms we were developing wouldn’t release SDKs for chatbots until years later if ever. We employed an AI specialist to work alongside us but ultimately the aforementioned complications caught up with us and the startup was no longer financially viable so my co-founder and I went on to pursue other projects. 



2018 - 2019

After attending countless gigs I began writing reviews despite having nowhere to publish them besides the quarterly Red Earth magazine, Prairie. As luck would have it shortly after I started writing opportunity came knocking and work got around that I had been writing and I was asked by a friend of a friend of mine if I could cover for her at a show at the metro. Since then I’ve had the honor of interviewing some of my personal heroes such as Jay Watson of Tame Impala, Pond and GUM, Kram from SpiderBait and Jack McEwan from the Psychedelic Porn Crumpets. It’s also given me an invaluable inside look at the media, marketing and management in the music industry.

Industry Director


2017 - 2019

In 2017 a group of students and I founded SUEDE (Sydney University Experience Designers), elected by my peers in three consecutive terms I served as the industry director. I secured numerous sponsorships and industry events including with Atlassian, IBMx, EY and more for ‘Career aid with SUEDE’, a recurring on-campus networking and workshopping event I created as endeavor to bridge the gap between the industry and the students. Each session aimed at supplementing the theoretical knowledge students are learning with an understanding of how it’s applied (or not applied) in the real world, each session is conducted industry professionals.


Bachelor of Design Computing

University of Sydney

2016 - 2019

At the end of 2019 I finished my Bachelor of Design Computing, a degree that teaches placing the user at the forefront of design across a variety of mediums. Our degree offered us a great deal of flexibility, allowing for specialisation in particular fields of design. I opted to hone in on mobile and web UX/UI design as the degree lent itself naturally to the field and it's the application of design I'm most invested in. During my degree we were mentored by academics and tutors as we developed several products in small groups each semester, applying design thinking frameworks of research, ideation and iteration to determine user needs, build product statements to design and develop the products.

Incubate Startup Program

University of Sydney

2015 - 2016

As mentioned above, in 2015 I pitched a startup called meet.smart (at the time called mates.today), although the startup itself was not successful, my time at Incubate was invaluable. The process was an excellent learning experience in wearing an awful lot of hats; running a business, conducting research, developing a product and building a brand. We had world class mentorship by industry professionals both from our in house mentors and our esteemed advisory board featuring executives from Westpac, Cisco and independent startup founders.












Contact Info

Tom Clarke


Apart from design my biggest hobby is music. I love writing and playing music, I play in bands The Friendly Friends and The Astrals, as well as produce music under the name Club Casios